Thursday, June 13, 2013

19 Weeks

Though I typed these awhile ago, I haven't been able to post due to our lack of Internet at the new house.  It has been a nightmare trying to get this set up, and we are hoping by the end of next week it will actually be working.  Internet companies are awful.

How far along:  19 Weeks

Movement:  Starting to feel some more definite kicks!

Weight Gain:  10 lbs so far...right on track!

Showing?  It is pretty obvious now to most people that there is indeed a baby in there.  I told my class of 5th graders that we were going to be playing hangman to end the day.  As they guessed the letters, it started to spell out, "Ms. Powell is having a baby boy in October".  Needless to say they lost their minds :)  By the last day of school, I think just about every student and staff member knew. It's amazing how quickly information spreads!

Symptoms:  I still get a wave of nauseau every once in a while.  I've also started having pretty bad round ligament pain, but only once or twice a day.  Easton's strong kicks make up for it though :)  I also have an appetite, boy do I have an appetite...

Best Moment this Week:  Buying books for the baby and having Daddy read them out loud to him through the belly.  According to my apps, this is the week baby can start to hear!

Feelings:  Happy! Tired...but happy!

Cravings:  Fruit, fruit and more fruit.  I get up every morning between 3:00 AM and 4:30 AM to eat a cup of peaches.  It keeps nausea at bay and I am STARVING by that time.

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