I thought that since we find out Baby Connor's gender in just a few days, it would be fun to try a few of the "Old Wives Tales" and see how they turn out!
Chinese Gender Chart: Boy
Ring Swing Test: Swung in a circle...Boy
Mom's Beauty: This little baby has wreaked havoc on my skin...Girl
Heartbeat: High heart rate = Girl
Cravings: Most of the time I've been craving fruit which is sweet...Girl
Morning Sickness: The first trimester was awful...I mean really awful...Girl
Mayan Philosophy: Age at conception was even, year is odd...Boy
Cold feet: Boy (But my feet were always cold to start with)
Mom's Gut Feeling: Girl...even though I've had days I think boy too.
It looks like it's a toss up...We will find out on Wednesday! SO SO SO excited! We want to hear your predictions so leave one in the comments :)
* With the craziness of moving and getting packed there was no time for a belly picture before the chalkboard went away. Next week it will come back out, in it's permanent spot in the NURSERY!
I've had a feeling from the start that it was a boy but I'll be a proud Auntie either way!!