I thought that since we find out Baby Connor's gender in just a few days, it would be fun to try a few of the "Old Wives Tales" and see how they turn out!
Chinese Gender Chart: Boy
Ring Swing Test: Swung in a circle...Boy
Mom's Beauty: This little baby has wreaked havoc on my skin...Girl
Heartbeat: High heart rate = Girl
Cravings: Most of the time I've been craving fruit which is sweet...Girl
Morning Sickness: The first trimester was awful...I mean really awful...Girl
Mayan Philosophy: Age at conception was even, year is odd...Boy
Cold feet: Boy (But my feet were always cold to start with)
Mom's Gut Feeling: Girl...even though I've had days I think boy too.
It looks like it's a toss up...We will find out on Wednesday! SO SO SO excited! We want to hear your predictions so leave one in the comments :)
* With the craziness of moving and getting packed there was no time for a belly picture before the chalkboard went away. Next week it will come back out, in it's permanent spot in the NURSERY!
How far along? 16 weeks
Total Weight Gain: About 6-7 lbs (This is amazing for me since after being sick with Celiac Disease for so long it took me a couple years to gain even a few pounds, even though I tried my hardest. Apparently the trick was getting pregnant!)
Maternity Clothes? Rocking the Bella Band since my pants won't button (or zip!). Leggings and flowy tops are definitely my favorite things right now. Trying to avoid maternity clothes as long as possible!
Stretch Marks? Not yet!
Sleep? Not too bad yet. Waking up only once or twice now and I'm so tired that I usually pass out right away...it's only waking up that is hard!
Best Moment this Week: Getting spoiled on Mother's Day AND feeling baby move ON Mother's Day! I was laying in bed catching up on text messages when all of a sudden I felt what was like a bubble popping on the inside of my belly. It startled me and then I felt it again a minute later. I've only felt it twice more since then but it was the coolest feeling. So light and gentle, I can't wait to feel a more definite kick! Hearing baby's heartbeat at the doctors was also a fun thing this week.
Missing anything? This sounds terrible, but it was so hot and nice the last couple days I could have really gone for a margarita!
Cravings: Strawberry pancakes, peaches, and lemonade! Cody also mentioned Mac & Cheese the other day and it has been on my mind ever since.
Gender Thoughts: I have this gut feeling it's a girl. Most "Old Wives Tales" point to girl too, but we only have just over a week until we find out!
Feeling: Happy! Happy! With the exception of my first total and complete crying-so-hard-I-couldn't-stop meltdown my poor Dad had to witness. Over dog food...go figure. Some serious hormones flowing that day! Yes, I apologized after.
Looking forward to... Finding out the baby's gender on May 22nd! And feeling more movement!
I wish I had started earlier, but not being a fan of bare belly mirror pictures I was determined to find a way to track the bump that I would feel comfortable showing. Pinterest, yet again to the rescue...cue chalkboard tracker! I found an inexpensive mirror, primed and coated it with chalkboard paint and voila!
Unfortunately, I started a bit late in the game. 15 weeks has come and gone, and since I didn't have anyone to take a picture of ME in front of the chalkboard I will have to start next week (which is actually today...where is time going???)
The second trimester has been treating me much better than the first. My morning all day and all night sickness has nearly diminished completely and I am finally gaining an appetite. Food aversions are slowly getting better (though even just a whiff of pepper still makes me gag), and I have luckily been craving mostly healthy things such as fruit and lemonade. I'm no longer passing out by 6 PM each day and overall I feel better than I have in a couple months! The second day of week 15 baby decided to push my belly out and each day I swear it gets bigger and bigger. Here is a picture of week 13 vs week 15 (yes, it's a mirror shot but I felt like I needed to document somehow!):
13 Weeks |
15 Weeks
16 week update coming soon!
On February 16th it would be an understatement to say that my life changed forever! After feeling extremely tired and at the teasing of my best friend Abby (who probably does not even remember this!) as well as a nagging "something doesn't feel normal" feeling...I took a pregnancy test at 6 AM on a Saturday morning. Completely convinced that there was "no way" this could happen to me, I nonchalantly left the test on the counter and came back a minute later to find the shock of my life...two pink lines staring up at me!
Since then it has been an exciting couple of months. After going through a million emotions which included shock, disbelief, pure terror, excitement and joy (in no particular order, more like all at once) Cody and I have finally settled on the decision that while this speeds things up quite a bit, we are overjoyed and so excited to start a family (even though nervousness still fights for a spot at the top of that list!) Babies are a blessing and this one really fought through the odds to be here, so apparently God had a different plan than I did :)
Since my closest friends and family are so far away, I've decided that a blog will have to suffice in keeping everyone updated. Belly pics, updates, and more to come...
Little Baby Connor is due to arrive on October 23rd, 2013!